Умения на Командирските кораби
Each Commander ship has one unique ability. In battles only one (the leading) Commander ship applies its ability. You can easily change commander ship (ability) priority to suit your needs.
Commander ships Abitilites
Pirating boost 
- Increases the percentage of stolen resources in Pirate flights.
- Bonus per level: 0.25%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Corsair
- Chance to detect enemy spies.
- Chance per level: 0.4%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Hunter
Attack boost 
- Increases the attack damage of your units.
- Bonus per level: 0.15%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Executor
Life boost 
- Increases the life of your units.
- Bonus per level: 0.15%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Juggernaut
Speed boost 
- Increases the flying speed.
- Bonus per level: 0.1%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Typhoon
- Chance to repair lost ships directly in battle.
- Chance per level: 0.4%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Regenerator
Critical damage 
- Increases the critical damage chance.
- Chance per level: 0.075%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Viper
- Chance to paralyze enemy units in battle.
- Chance per level: 0.1%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Scorpion
- Chance to return hostile attacks.
- Chance per level: 0.75%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Corruptor
Demolition boost 
- Increases the chances to demolish buildings.
- Bonus per level: 0.5%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Annihilator
Upgrade points boost 
- Increases the Upgrade points gained in battle.
- Bonus per level: 0.5%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Argo
Decrease enemy armour 
- Decrease enemy units armor in battle.
- Bonus per level: 0.15%
- Ships that possess the Ability: Punisher