Știință avansată


Spionajul este știință avansată care mărește șansele spionării reușite și permite mai multe misiuni de spionaj. Este, probabil, una dintre cele mai vechi arte de luptă. Când te dezvolți în această zonă, misiunile tale vor putea obține informații mai corecte despre planetele inamicale. Dezvoltarea acestei științe îți va permite să construiești și să folosești mai bine senzorii de spionaj.

Bonus: Cercetarea științei spionaj până la nivelul 10 îți permite să vezi cu câte nave și din ce tip ești atacat.

Nivelul maxim: nivelul 20


  • Laborator, Facilitate experimentală sau Overmind la nivelul 4

  • Astronomie la nivelul 2

Sisteme radar

Sistemele radar sunt o știință avansată care crește numărul maxim permis de zboruri simultane. Radarul este un sistem de descoperirea obiectelor care folosește unde electromagnetice pentru a identifica raza, systems is an advanced science which increases the maximum amount, of simultaneous flights, allowed. The radar is an object detection system that uses electromagnetic waves to identify the range, altitudinea și viteza obiectelor fixe și mobile precum navele, vehiculele, vremea și terenul. Acest tip de știință are de-a face cu dezvoltarea sistemelor de radar mai performante. Radarele sunt folosite pentru a controla flota și de aceea sunt atât de importante.

Bonus: Fiecare nivel al sistemelor de radar mărește numărul maxim permis de zboruri cu 1,5.

De exemplu: la nivelul 6 al științei, vei putea trimite 1+6*1,5=10 zboruri în același timp. Dacă rezultatul nu este un număr întreg, se rotunjește.

Nivelul maxim: nivelul 15


  • Laborator, Facilitate experimentală sau Overmind la nivelul 4
  • Astronomie la nivelul 1

Apărare nave

Apărarea nave este o știință avansată, care crește durata de viață a navelor. Navele spațiale principale pornesc de la ideea ca navele ar trebui să fie ușoare și rapide. Din păcate, aceasta scade capacitățile de apărare și în luptele intergalactice numeroase nave sunt zdrobite de focul inamic. Actualizarea corpului de titan ar fi un proces complicat și costisitor și oamenii de stiință au de gând îmbunătățirea modelelor vechi. Procesul este extrem de dificil și necesită cantități mari de metale de primă calitate. De aceea, cercetarea necesită multe metale.

Bonus: Fiecare nivel al apărării crește viața tuturor navelor cu 10% (până la 200% în total)

Nivelul maxim: nivelul 20


  • Laborator, Facilitate experimentală sau Overmind la nivelul 5
  • Fizică la nivelul 4

Celule de combustibil

Celule de combustibil este o știință avansată care mărește viteza navelor. is an advanced science which increases the speed of ships. Soon after people made the first tests in the field of cosmology, they knew that jet engines with conventional fuels were simply unpractical for the purpose of space flight. Even though flights by smaller and lighter ships were satisfactory, gathering a serious war fleet equipped with heavy armaments and sufficient shields was practically impossible. It was most certain that an engine, able to work even in zero gravity must be produced. The Fuel cells were the solution the scientists found. Engines with huge sizes and capacities, which combine Oxygen and Hydrogen, stored in separate tanks. The reaction between these two elements is well-known for producing large amounts of energy.

Bonus: Each level of Fuel cells increases the speed of all ships by 15% (up to 225% in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 6
  • Chemistry at level 4

Jet engines

Jet engines is an advanced science which increases the speed of ships. Jet engines have entered a new era in their development. New technologies have helped develop the jet engine to such an extent that most of its shortcomings have been overcome. Scientists found an ingenious way to adapt jet engines to work with Fell cells. Although many new propulsion systems have been developed the jet engine is still ubiquitous and irreplaceable.

Bonus: Each level of Jet engines increases the speed of all ships by 15% (up to 225% in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 7
  • Chemistry at level 6
  • Ships Defense at level 5

Laser science

Laser science is an advanced science which increases the attack of ships with Laser weapons. The laser is an optical device which produces an intensive monochromatic ray of light. It has its uses in all technologies - in espionage and computer systems, and also in Ships' armaments. Laser science is the base for developing weaponry systems. The word laser was invented as an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.

Bonus: Each level of Laser science increases the attack of all ships and defense units with Laser-type weapons by 15% (up to 225% in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 8
  • Mathematics at level 3

Ion science

Ion science is an advanced science which increases the attack of ships with Ion weapons. Based on Ion science research developments, scientists have constructed an ionizer and put it into an Ion cannon which can be very powerful. The ion canon takes usually harmless ions and shoots them out at speeds nearing the speed of light, which makes them devastating. All ships that utilize this weapon receive a bonus from this science.

Bonus: Each level of Ion science increase the attack of all ships and defense units with Ion-type weapons by 15% (up to 255% in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 8
  • Mathematics at level 5
  • Laser science at level 5

Plasma science

Plasma science is an advanced science which increases the attack of ships with Plasma weapons. This technology is based on a discovery made during ion technology experimentation. The scientists discovered an extremely flammable ion gas, called plasma. It is considered to be the forth state of matter. After the successful improvement of the technology and a number of tests with thermonuclear reactions with plasma, scientists created the plasma generator, a gas-dissolving device that produces low-temperature plasma – the plasmatron. The plasma is then fired through a barrel and has devastating effects on any ship.

Bonus: Each level of Plasma science increases the attack of all ships and defense units with Plasma-type weapons by 15% (up to 225% in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 8
  • Mathematics at level 7
  • Laser science at level 10
  • Ion science at level 5


Ecology is an advanced science which increases the amount of Ozone gained on Planets. It is the science the studies the eco-systems and climate of Planets. Information about them helps preserve each Planets environmental balance. Since every building in Nemexia reduces the Planet’s Ozone levels, it is important to develop this science as it facilitates the restoration of Ozone.

Bonus: Each level of Ecology recovers 250 points of Ozone daily on all the player’s Planets (up to 3750 in total)

Max level: level 15


  • Laboratory, Experimental Facility or Overmind at level 4
  • Physics at level 3
  • Chemistry at level 3