Battles overview


A Battle is the meeting of units (ships and defence) owned by different players. The units have a confrontation and some of them are destroyed. Battles are one of the most important parts of the game, since galactic dominance can’t be established without confrontation.

Every Battle has two sides, an Attacker and a Defender. In order for a Battle to occur the Attacker must have at least one ship, which must be sent on an Attack flight to an enemy’s Planet.

Every Battle consists of 1 to 12 rounds. The Attacker may choose the maximum allowed number of rounds, when sending their attack. The options are 5, 8, or 12 rounds.

Course of battle

In each battle the fleet of attacker fights the fleet of defender. Ships (and defence) from both sides are divided into groups according to their type.

  • Each group fires enemy units so it kills some of them.
  • The game chooses what units (ships or defence) each group will strike according to their Priority targets.
  • If there is no priority target for the certain group to strike it will attack at random another battle ships or defence group.
  • Civilian ships and Commander ships are being stroked at the end.

Types of battles


If the Defender has no units on his planet (ships or defence) it is considered that the Attacker is instantly victorious. In this case none of the sides gains or loses any points. The attacker steal some of the Defender’s resources. The amount stolen is limited to the amount of resources that the ships can carry and up to 50% of the resources on the Defender’s Planet (66.6% for the Confederation).


If the Defender has units on his planets, these units are involved in a battle to determinate the winner.

The Battle can have three possible outcomes:

  • The Attacker wins – when the Attacker wins, they steal some of the Defender’s resources. The amount stolen is limited to the amount of resources that the ships can carry and up to 50% of the resources on the Defender’s Planet (66.6% for the Confederation).
  • The Attacker loses – if the Attacker loses they don’t steal any resources;
  • Draw – if there is a draw the Attacker doesn’t steal any resources. A draw occurs when there is no winner and the round limit is reached.

Note that when there is a draw, Building destruction and Planet destruction are processed.

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