Battle overview

A Battle is the meeting of ships owned by different players. The ships have a confrontation and some of them are destroyed. Battles are one of the most important parts of the game, since galactic dominance can’t be established without confrontation. Every Battle has two sides, an Attacker and a Defender. In order for a Battle to occur the Attacker must have at least one ship, which must be sent on an Attack flight to an enemy’s Planet. If the Defender has no ships it is considered that the Attacker is instantly victorious. In this case none of the sides gains or loses Points.

Every Battle consists of 1 to 12 rounds. The Attacker may choose the maximum allowed number of rounds, when sending their attack. The options are 5, 8, or 12 rounds.

Battles are affected by external factors, such as the level of sciences researched, because some sciences increase a ship’s life, armor or attack (Laser science, Ion science, Plasma science, Megashields, Ship defense). Battles are also affected by the levels of upgrade of each type of ship, as upgrades increase the attack and life of ships. Battles are also affected by usage of ships that possess Skills, because some ships have special Skills that affect the way a battle occurs. See (Skills)

Ships special features:

  • If there are Shields (Turret shield/ Matrix shield/ Chitin shell orPlanet E-field/ Planet matrix/ Surface shell) present they protect all of the Defender's defense units, as long as they are not destroyed;
  • Ships that possess the Shield skill draw 90% of enemy fire on to themselves and away from other ships and defense units;
  • Satelites (Solar satellites/ Solar satellites/ Organic satellites), recyclig ships (Recycler/ Tanker/Recycle drone) and transportation ships (Cargoship/ Cargobot/ Supplier and Megacargoship/ Big cargobot/ Megasupplier) are attacked after all other friendly ships and defense units are destroyed;
  • The ships Cruiser/ Interceptor/ Nemesis directly attack defense units and shileds (Turret shield/Matrix shield/Chitin shell andPlanet E-field/Planet matrix/Surface shell), bypassing ships that possess the Shield skill;
  • The Ships Cruiser/ Interceptor/ Nemesis attack defense units and shileds (Turret shield/Matrix shield/Chitin shell andPlanet E-field/Planet matrix/Surface shell) with a 50% bonus on attack;
  • The bobmer ships (Bomber/ Bomberbot/ Sporethrower) directly attack master ships (DeathStar/ Titan/ Queen Nox), bypassing ships that possess the Shield skill;
  • The bobmer ships (Bomber/ Bomberbot/ Sporethrower) attack master ships (DeathStar/ Titan/ Queen Nox) with a 50% bonus on attack.

The Battle can have three possible outcomes:

  • The Attacker wins – when the Attacker wins, they steal some of the Defender’s resources. The amount stolen is limited to the amount of resources that the ships can carry and up to 50% of the resources on the Defender’s Planet (66.6% for the Confederation). See (Attack);
  • The Attacker loses – if the Attacker loses they don’t steal any resources;
  • Draw – if there is a draw the Attacker doesn’t steal any resources. A draw occurs when there is no winner and the round limit is reached. Note that when there is a draw, Building destruction and Planet destruction are processed.

Battle System

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